Storm, Date Time and other ⭐ New Year Updates! ⭐

Welcome back everyone!  I know it's already been a while posting on the 'Date Time' docket!

(Every year I do an illustration of the Zodiac Animal before the apple drops, technically Chinese New Year happens weeks later, but who will TRULY hold me accountable, huh?)

Also... some sass..

Since this is the beginning of the New Year, I thought it'd be good to update you on what I've been up to since getting back from Christmas break.

Engine Problems

Currently, I am working on engine upgrades for both the 'Storm the Swan' project as well as 'Date Time'.  This includes upgrading from Unity 2019 to Unity 6 and ALL THE BEAUTIFUL PROBLEMS that that entails.

Hopefully at the end of that process, StS will be on its way to being fully finished (asides from small bug fixes here or there) and Date Time will be able to keep on development without regression hitches.

This change is hard, and has bumped into their own bugs for both projects, however... it would be beneficial for the long run, as I'll be able to get better support moving forward with game development on a much less archaic version of Unity.

Speaking of Storm...

Storm the Swan is just a few Steam Reviews away from reaching 50.  This can help boost the game's visibility in the massive Steam database.  If you've enjoyed the game, either on Steam or, PLEASE leave a review on the Steam page to help boost it.

Storm the Swan is FREE on Steam, so why not try it out?


Date Time, Anna: The Patron

Here's some updates on some of the new content upcoming to 'Date Time', namely the Anna chapter where you play **The Patron**.

In the demo version of the Anna Chapter, you were able to play through the perspective of a beta tester named, Jane Whitman.  But in the 2nd part of the chapter, you will be able to return to the role of a Library Patron, who arrives at the Library to play their new DT-3 computer system (with 6KB of RAM?!!!), excited to check out the big romantic adventure of Date Time: Anna.

As soon as you select 'The Patron' on the selection screen, this will be the first thing you see.

I posted on Bluesky a few of my behind the scenes when working on this intro video, such as modeling and animating the steering wheel in 3D, if you are curious.

I usually post progress pictures and other art stuff (as well as my grievances) on Bluesky, it's currently my most active platform.  If you'd like to keep up with my current happenings, feel free to follow me there.

I will still be posting on Tiktok and Youtube for occasional youtube shorts & videos. 

If you're looking from something a bit more open-source, I also do mirror Bluesky announcements on my Mastodon account at

That's almost about it for now, just one last call out for people who haven't taken the "No Robots Allowed" survey yet to please fill it out if you have already played the original game.  You can find the survey located on this post here:

Thanks again for your continued support!


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Get Date Time❤️: Melissa❤️, Morris❤️, Anna❤️ - Demo out! -

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