Newest Date Time Demo - Coming out Next Week.

With most of the beta testing done, the Date Time Part-2 Demo will be released late next week for both and Steam (with it being a bit earlier for subscribers of the Newsletter).

What to expect?

You've been given the task to beta test a new chapter of "Date Time", which takes advantage of the DT-3s NEW UPGRADED 6KB OF RAM!!!! Explore the town, make some friends, and complete quests to strengthen the BOUNDS of your friendships as well as sew the warm sweater of your romantic relationship with the chapter's titular ANNA!

As "Date Time" crosses into the realm of Adventure, so too does the Real World cross into the Digital Realm...
...and also... a more insidious place. Where the hell are we?

The story's demo will bring a full circle to the somewhat hidden alt-path update. 

Because once your date with ANNA is done...

...Return back to the library, and enact a final DATE with MELISSA.

But wait!  There's more!

A very familiar security protocol has shown up in the main menu.

PETya is here to offer you guidance, information and even REAL WORLD information about the COMPUTER VIRUSES each major character is inspired by.

But... they won't give the information to ANYBODY!  ONLY REAL LIVE HUMANS.

If you truly are human, I'm sure you'll pass with FLYING COLORS!

The Part 2 Demo was a long journey for "Date Time" development, and reveals the larger scope to expect for the full project.  With approx. an additional hour of content and a heavy emphasis on exploration, you'll take a small look into the larger world planned for the project.

I hope you enjoy it.  And I hope you also add 'Date Time' to your Steam Wishlists, if you haven't already, as it does help me out a lot!

Thanks again for sticking with me, I'm excited! 

I hope to get the release to Newsletter subscribers by Wednesday, and to and Steam on Thursday.

Get Date Time❤️: Melissa❤️, Morris❤️, Anna❤️ - Demo out! -

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