Date Time Demo Version 2.1 - Fixes!

Thanks again for everyone who has played the Date Time Demo, so far.  Here are a few fixes due to player feedback:

Date Time Demo v2.1

1 - Standardized Text to prevent breaking text printers in the game.  

If you are still experiencing odd text printer errors, such as screens auto-skipping text, text seemingly being cut-off from the screen, or text seeming like excerpts being the only things shown on the screen, please delete your player preferences at:


C:\Users\[Your Name]\AppData\LocalLow\CatTrigger\Date Time Demo


~/Library/Application Support/com.CatTrigger.Date-Time-Demo


.config/unity3d/CatTrigger/Date Time Demo

2 - Fixed an error where visiting PETya before completing the Melissa chapter leads to a black screen when re-entering PETya's section.

Please let me know if there are any other errors you might've bumped into.  Thank you so much!


As reported by some Mac Users via the Non-Steam version of the Demo, please check your app security settings to make sure it allows for unauthorized or non-app store related applications to run.

If you are still unsure how to do it, please use Steam to download the Mac version.


Windows - Date Time Demo - Version 2.1 451 MB
96 days ago
Linux - Date Time Demo - Version 2.1 504 MB
96 days ago
Mac - Date Time Demo - Version 2.1 460 MB
96 days ago

Get Date Time❤️: Melissa❤️, Morris❤️, Anna❤️ - Demo out! -

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