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Very interesting game. Will there be a sequel?

Amazing game really enjoyed it definitely looking forward to play more of your games

Loveddd this game!!! Enjoyed all the endings!

I have already got the endings, 1, 3, 4. The 2nd is still difficult to obtain


This is an absolute masterpiece of horror, I'll be honest, I got interested when I saw ManlyBadassHero play it, and it was even more fun than I remember. 10/10


I'm kinda simping for her ngl....



I don't get it, when I put in the code to turn on the heater the monster just opens the door so it doesn't explode

Nm I got it

Got the 4th ending, managed to burn the vessel alien-monster thing using the gas lines and the heater. Really good game, hope there's a sequel!

ending 1 is crazy

i love this game so much but i would love to be able to download it, currently for me the macosx version doesnt work and is refusing to be opened

Are you able to download the game through the app for Mac? 

i havent tried yet, i will soon

Thanks!  Let me know if it works or not.

Sometimes, MacOS considers Unity Apps that are not attached to an app store (such as Apple Store, Steam or's own app) as unauthorized.  You should be able to adjust your settings so that any app can run, or download the game from the official app store.  

If that doesn't work, then let me know and I'll look into it.  Thank you!

yep that worked! thanks!


Hopefully a sequel is in the the works pluh


the 4th code


o wow finally a good game that u make.

well, now I want more! What a fun game! And the voice action? FANTASTIC! Kudos to the artist, what a great voice and interpretation. The game has a good story, and for sure can be developed further. The art style is really pretty and enjoyable to follow. Great little game, I really loved it! Good job for all!

I loved the style and I loved the mechanics. Great work!

Great game


Cool lore, would love a longer version (preferably more alternatives on how to mess with the lady haha)

This is a take cool game concept with awesome art and superb voice acting. Honestly just wish it was longer with more options!

wonderful game, loved it


tricked that bitch into falling down the pit. that's what she gets for calling me rookie. 

Great game!!


The interaction is so interesting! really like the ENDING 4, especially when i have to stop the monster catch me in a very short time.  Also I'm  curious about the lore about the company after the monster said there are many of them there. The only problem is too short TT Do you attempt to make it longer? I'll really like it. Anyway,  this game is amazing. Thank you for your excellent work:)!

The dev had to stay within the rules of the game Jam, one of which being that it had to be under 1,000 words. Those words add up quick, so it was always bound to be short.


I ain't letting her calling me "rookie" slide 

Tried out your game!


Amazingly polished, super fun and SO creepy. I loved it a lot and can't believe you managed to make this for O2A2, it's so good! As other comments have said it feels like a full-length game. It was so charming and frightening and really brightened my day, 100/10!

Made a video


How on Earth is this so...complete? Were it not clearly mentioned on the page it was made for the O2A2 game jam, I'd have believed this was merely a masterfully-built puzzle game that gets in, teaches you its mechanics and shares as much story as you need to know, then escalates the difficulty from there to a final challenge, all in the span of ~5 minutes. Instead, this is all that, but made in 10 days. Incredible!!

How do you get Ending 4? I got 1, 2 & 3, but I can't figure out how to get 4.

Repeat what you did to achieve Ending 1, but with your new colleague instead of your old one.

Thanks! Just got the 4th ending.

Good game

(1 edit)

FOR WHATEVER REASON THERE'S A MONSTER IN THE TUNNEL AND THE FIRST THING SHE DECIDES TO DO IS YELL "WHO'S THERE?" WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT?! Overall GREAT GAME!! Something different is always something that peaks my interest and this did not disappoint lol Youtube Link - 

Dear GOD if there's ever a sequel to this one, PLEASE bring this monster back. idc if they'll help us or not or if the woman will try to regain control idc this thing got me acting unwise!!!

I think it could be cool to play as the rookie, and you are at a new console helping a team take down these people, so you have to use your skills and knowledge from the previous game to take down them. it could feature a ton of new endings, and i think there should be a mode where you play as one of the team member fighting.  so you have to use combat skills and stuff to survive.

Awesome game. I love the style, the creepy atmosphere and the story. It's really interesting and I really want to see more. 10/10! 

You never fail to make a masterpiece! REALLY good for what's given from the strict guidelines, a motivational project for devs not so motivated into working on their visual novel projects. The colleague's voice reminds me of Ellen Ripley from Alien, perfect fit for the character actually.
Looking forward to what else you have to offer in the future!

Woah, this was awesome!  The pacing and build-up to the ending was perfect - despite the short word count/graphical restrictions, it never once felt like you were fighting with them or anything.  The voice acting and presentation of it all was also stellar; thank you for making this!


This is a really good game , I never expected it to end like that ๐Ÿ˜Š

Did she get possessed? or was it a mimic

pretty sure its some sorta mimic instead of possession but idk

no they talk about  having her memories

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